Genital Warts

Genital Warts

Genital warts area type of sexually transmitted infection caused by Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Infection with the virus causes small lumps and bumps in the genital area called warts.  There are different strains of HPV. While some cause genital warts, others have been identified as the cause of cervical cancer, anal cancer, and some mouth or throat…

Opioid Overdose

Opioid Overdose

Kola was found in his bathroom lying still with a bottle of his prescription drugs still in his hands. Francis checked for pulses in his neck and his hands, but could not feel any. He called Kola’s name out loud, shook his body and pulled him out of the bathroom, but no response. He immediately…

Food Allergy

Food Allergy

“Have you heard, Tamilore? Jackie was eating peanuts with us, and suddenly her lips blew up, swollen and red, and she was almost choking. Just as we went to call our neighbour Dr. Mike, we saw terribly ugly red, rashes all over her skin; it was the sight of a horror movie” Food allergy is…



Dementia is a term used to describe a group of disorders associated with abnormal and often irreversible changes in the brain that cause a decline in cognitive functions, such as thinking, memory, and decision making. This impairment is sometimes severe enough to affect independence, quality of life, behaviour, and personal relationships.   It is not the same…

Breast Cancer Screening

Breast Cancer Screening

Breast cancer screening is used to detect cancer signs early and provide treatment on time. The most accessible way is self-breast examination, where a woman examines all sides of her breasts for swellings and any other changes. Mammogram, which is commonly used for screening in some countries, is not readily available in Nigeria.  Breast Examination…

What is Polio?

What is Polio?

Polio is a debilitating disease caused by the poliovirus, which attacks the brain and nerves; it causes mild or no symptoms in most people, but in others, it may cause paralysis or death. Children under 5 are the most vulnerable groups to contract this disease.  There are three types of poliovirus: wild poliovirus type 1,…