Water Borne Diseases

Water Borne Diseases

The sources of water like lakes, rivers, wells, collected rain water, etc, can easily become contaminated, and utilising contaminated water for food or beverage preparation, drinking, bathing or other functions can cause one to fall sick. Water borne diseases can also be acquired from animals or person-to-person spread.   Waterborne diseases are illnesses caused by germs…

Do I have Scabies?

Do I have Scabies?

David had been a day student all his life. But recently, he just got admitted into a university and had to make the big transition by living in the school hostel. The first six weeks were hard enough because those little red bumps, which he had some days ago, seemed to increase in size. Whatever…

Living with HIV-AIDS

Living with HIV-AIDS

HIV is an acronym; it represents a virus called the human immunodeficiency virus which attacks important cells in your body– those responsible for protecting you against infections. As a result, your ability to ward off infections drops drastically    What then is AIDS? AIDS means acquired immunodeficiency syndrome—a group of diseases that are associated with…

What is Polio?

What is Polio?

Polio is a debilitating disease caused by the poliovirus, which attacks the brain and nerves; it causes mild or no symptoms in most people, but in others, it may cause paralysis or death. Children under 5 are the most vulnerable groups to contract this disease.  There are three types of poliovirus: wild poliovirus type 1,…