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Getting stressed out at work is not unusual for everyone, and it is completely normal. However, if stress at work becomes persistent, irrational, and overwhelming and interferes with interpersonal relationships and daily functioning, it may lead to anxiety.

Having an anxiety disorder plays a huge impact on effectiveness at work. Workplace anxiety may impair promotions at work, impede relationships with coworkers and superiors, limit work efficiency, and eventually lead to loss of job. Common difficulties experienced by people with anxiety disorders include participating in meetings, maintaining cordial personal relationships, setting and meeting deadlines, making presentations, and speaking to clients.

Here are 5 surprisingly simple ways to manage anxiety at the workplace.

Take a break

Taking breaks involves breaks during work hours, vacations, and keeping work and all work-related activities during work hours. Taking breaks on the job or a few minutes of deep breathing or meditation takes the edge off, diffuses the mind from anxiety-stimulating thoughts, and keeps it refreshed.

Taking vacations keep the mind away from work for some time, re-energizing the mind by engaging it in activities that keep it stimulated and relaxed at the same time.

Be Realistic about work

It is important in curbing workplace anxiety to be realistic about one's workload. Projects which would be overly demanding and time-consuming should be modified or delegated to someone else. Taking up heavy workloads, especially with unrealistic deadlines may promote chronic stress, which worsens anxiety. Also, speak up if you need more training to complete work tasks. Inadequate skillsets and knowledge to complete a job task are one of the common drivers of anxiety.

Avoid toxic atmosphere

A toxic environment includes one in which coworkers or even employers gossip, jest or promote negative thinking by minimizing others’ value an contributions to a company. Such activities promote the negative thoughts associated with anxiety disorders.

If your employer constantly berates you or criticizes your job even when you complete them properly and on time, you may need to consider changing your job. If your employer also does not provide structured feedback for your work and constantly complains to others about you, it may be time to change jobs.

Stay Healthy

Daily exercise has been shown to boost mood, raise energy levels, and keep the mind alert. Engaging in mild exercises before and during work relieves stress and keeps anxiety at bay. In addition to exercise, food is a major factor that affects mood.

Avoid foods that depress mood such as a high carbohydrate diet. Also, consuming caffeine, alcohol, and caffeinated beverages in excess may worsen anxiety symptoms. Take more of omega-3 fatty acid-rich foods such as sardines and walnuts that boost mood and increase energy levels.

It is not unusual to be stressed with work; however, when your work makes you feel anxious and unhealthy, it may be time to take steps to helping you feel better.


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