How Do Fibroids Affect Pregnancy and Fertility?

How Do Fibroids Affect Pregnancy and Fertility?

Fibroids, or uterine fibroids, are non-cancerous growths in the uterus (womb). Fibroids often do not present with any symptoms, but when they do, you may experience painful and heavy periods, frequent urination, and painful sexual intercourse. Being non-cancerous, they do not spread out of the uterus but may cause other complications, including affecting your fertility…

Unhealthy habits in pregnancy

Unhealthy habits in pregnancy

Pregnancy is a wonderful state full of the joy and excitement of expecting a new human being. Moving from expectation to reality, however, takes an average of 40 long weeks. During this period, vigilance and moderation are key virtues every pregnant woman should cultivate. This involves quitting certain habits.    Medication misuse and drug abuse…

Miscarriage risk increases each week alcohol is used in early pregnancy

Miscarriage risk increases each week alcohol is used in early pregnancy

Impact of alcohol use rises through the ninth week of pregnancy, and risk accrues regardless of whether a woman reported having fewer than one drink or more than four drinks each week. Risk is also independent of the type of alcohol consumed and whether the woman had episodes of binge drinking. Biologically, little is known…